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    As you already know, the presale for 2020 ticket holders starts Wed Feb 10 at 11 AM (general public on sale 11 AM Fri Feb 12)

    As you also know, things are a tad different this time, which is why it’s VERY IMPORTANT that you read the below tips on how to make your ticket-purchasing experience as seamless as possible.

    Firstly, here’s the sitemap and ticketing options again, and below that are the tips…

    💥JUST ADDED: Some bonus tips straight up 💥

    📣 Ignore any references to things like ‘fixed seating’ or ‘restricted view’ on the balcony tickets. It’s just Ticketek being Ticketek! 

    📣 Choosing your exact location on mobile is a bit tricky. We recommend using a desktop. However if you just choose say 4 stalls or 3 lawn decks, for example, the system will automatically group them together.

    Below are our top 7 tips, however we have created a very extensive FAQ Here which we also recommend reading.

    📣 You can purchase up to 24 tickets in one transaction (4 decks of 6, 12 stalls of 2 etc) so you will be able to be with your friends!

    *This excludes balcony tickets which are a maximum of 4 per transaction

    📣 When you purchase tickets you can select the exact spot you want. We recommend doing this on a desktop / laptop because the small screen on mobile can make it difficult to see the small spots marked out on the screen. Check out the Piknic Electronik ticket page here to familiarise yourself with the process.

    📣 To purchase more than one deck or table, select ONE from the dropdown and head through to the payment page, but before you check out click ADD TICKETS to go back and purchase another (limit of 24 total tickets per transaction).

    📣 Tickets are purchased in set group numbers of 1, 2, 4 or 6, but that doesn’t mean you have to have that many people. For example if you have a group of 5, you can just buy a deck that fits up to 6 and just have your crew of 5 in there. It just means you’ll pay a little extra per person.

    📣 Your presale link gives you full access to purchase tickets, you aren’t restricted to the same amount as you had for 2020, so you can bring friends into your group who weren’t 2020 ticket holders. If we had done it any other way, we’d have half full stalls and decks everywhere. 

    📣 You aren’t confined to your space at all. You can move around to get drinks, visit friends, go to the bathroom, chill in the sun on the side of the hill, check out the food trucks, whatever you like.

    📣 Make sure you log onto Ticketek ahead of 11am, ensure you’ve got the right password and have a valid card set up in your account.

    The Countdown is on! 

    Team Reminisce

    📸 Piknic Electronik – Jan 24th 2021