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  • Foundation Partnership

    Foundation Partnership

    Reminisce, a leading events brand in Australia dedicated to creating extraordinary experiences through music, memories and moments, is thrilled to announce its partnership with The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation. 

    This collaboration aims to support groundbreaking research and raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease, while making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this debilitating condition.

    As part of this partnership, Reminisce (in conjunction with The Hardware Foundation) will contribute $1 from each ticket sold for its events to The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation. Additionally, a mandatory guest list donation will be implemented to further support the cause. 

    These funds will be dedicated to accelerating research efforts, improving the understanding of Alzheimer's disease, and developing effective treatments and therapies.

    Reminisce is a brand built on activating the incredible memories that we have all experienced through music over the years. It’s a fully interactive musical democracy where the fans vote for the songs they want to hear, with the top 50 then played in a countdown format at the event. 

    Having grown from a backyard 11 years ago, to a full scale festival at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Reminisce has now expanded to other genres and will also be touring nationally in 2024. With this partnership, the company aims to extend its influence beyond providing memorable experiences and actively contribute to making a difference in the fight against this devastating disease.

    "We are thrilled to partner with The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation in our shared mission to combat Alzheimer's disease," said Corey Topp, Co-Founder at Reminisce. "There is such a strong synergy with our brand and preserving memories, and through that we hope to inspire our attendees and make a significant contribution towards finding a cure for Alzheimer's."

    The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation is a leading organization dedicated to advancing research and understanding of Alzheimer's disease. Through their comprehensive programs, they support scientists, clinicians, and researchers in their efforts to unlock the mysteries of the brain and develop innovative treatments.

    "We are excited to partner with Reminisce and welcome their commitment to raising funds and awareness for Alzheimer's research," said Liza Dunne, Chief Executive Officer at The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation. "By coming together, we can drive progress in our fight against this devastating disease and improve the lives of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's."

    For more information about Reminisce, please visit www.reminisce.dj 

    For more information about The Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation, please visit www.alzheimers.com.au

    Media Enquiries 


    Corey Topp - Co-Founder

    [email protected]

    0438 931 501

    Australian Alzheimer's Research Foundation

    Caren Wilson - Administration & Community Engagement Manager

    [email protected]

    (08) 6457 0253
